Thursday, March 31, 2016

Survey Review

In order to make the survey first I had to do background Research on Streaming Services and then create the questions for them. In my group we had some of the same questions and some of them were different. Yes it was mostly senior boys who like to watch comedy movies. I could not find facts to help with deciding which streaming service people should get. I got 7 responses. we should do more projects like this.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Paragraph 1:
Most of the time when a country holds the Olympics the make no profit because there is so much that needs to be done. The country would need to spend a lot of money to improve the roads housing and security as well as making the arenas. I the Atlanta Georgia Olympics they broke even and made a profit because of all the sponsors.

The Atlanta Georgia Olympics had good marketing because the did not go into dept afterwards.
The people who come from different countries have needs like housing and transportation.
The target market for the Olympics are sports fans all around the world.
These Olympics had a good marketing concepts because they made profit.
Atlanta Georgia had to get what the people wanted like seats and food.

we should research this summers Olympics because is almost a current event. It is also a good way to see many different advertisements, and how the country will accommodate to all the people.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New company

David Erikson
Marketing new business

If my new company was a pizza shop I would take ideas from Dominos.

Product: My product would be pizza and other meals closely related. There would be many prices for the size of pizza, and other meals, and drinks.
Price: Nothing would be over priced. This would make the product better and so more people would come to eat.
Promotion: I would use billboards, TV ads, radio commercials, the internet, and emails to get people to come to my restaurant. It would advertise sales and coupons.
Place:I would put this restaurant in malls, highway stops and in the middle of the town to get more people to buy. the more available the product the more it will be bought.

Dominos sends emails and coupons to my house so that it will make me want to go their and buy a pizza.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Boston Olympics

I think that it would have been kind of cool if Boston held the Olympics, but they got turned down for good reasons. The reason why they could not hold the Olympics is because they did not have enough space. There was not enough space for all of the stadiums, and if they wanted to keep in in Massachusetts if would have to be very spread out. There would also not be enough road space there would be so much traffic no one would get any where. Boston would also not be able to house all of the people in the games and coming to watch them. I thing that the US should try to host it but in some other place.